Advanced Sync Options

The options below need to be activated by our support team.

Autotask territory mapping to Xero tracking categories

My Accounting Toolbox is able to map the territory field in Autotask to the tracking categories in Xero.

  1. The names must match exactly.
  2. We can only match top level tracking categories not sub categories in Xero.
  3. This option needs to be applied by our support team.

Line-item bundling

My Accounting Toolbox now provides full support for grouped or bundled line-items. For backwards compatibility reasons accounts setup pre-2017 will not have this option turned on by default. Please contact our support team to activate this on your account.

Single line summary

My Accounting Toolbox is able to bundle all lineitems into a single lineitem in Xero. This is useful for clients who do billing out of Autotask and just use Xero for reconciling of invoices.

Multi Currency Support

My Accounting Toolbox supports Autotask multi currency.

Don't Sync under a value

My Accounting Toolbox is able to skip over invoices that are under a certain value.

Don't Sync flag in Autotask

My Accounting Toolbox is able to skip over invoices that are flagged as no-sync in Xero.

Apply Attachments

My Accounting Toolbox can download attachments from tickets (must be pdf) and apply the attachment to Xero Invoice.

Show time entry on the description

My Accounting Toolbox can apply the time entries from tickets into the billing information on lineitems.

Override tax

My Accounting Toolbox can override the lineitem account code standard tax rate with the Xero customers tax codes from the customer card.