The instructions below show you how to setup the My Accounting Toolbox system to skip over predefined accounts using the User Defined Field in Autotask.
Step 1
Create a User Defined Field in Autotask called XeroNoSync
Name: XeroNoSync
Description: User to define how they want to describe
Required: Optional
Sort Order: 1
Field Type: List
List Values:
Don't Sync : true
Allow Sync: false
Default Value: Either allow sync or don't allow the sync to be your default
You can use any descriptions you prefer, however the stored values must be either true or false

Step 2
From the CRM feature - Open the Account of the customer you wish to automatically skip in the sync process, then select Edit.

Step 3
Under User Defined look for the field XeroNoSync that you created earlier set the value you match your requirements.