Additional People support in Xero Contacts

This article explains how to support the population of the additional people in Xero

1. Navigate to User-Defined Fields In Autotask and find the Position UDF that you have setup.

Autotask - > User Admin -> Features & Settings -> Application-Wide Features -> User-Defined Fields

2. Add an additional value to the list

Display Value = Any text you wish to use in our example we use Xero Contact Included Person

Stored Value = AccountsIncludedPerson (*required, don't use any other value)

Save your settings and close

3. How to configure the option in Autotask

Locate the contact you wish to designate as an included person in the Xero contact in Autotask and apply.


Notes & Limitations

  • The synchronization process does not support the removal of included persons. Therefore, if an individual is taken off the list after it has been added to Xero, that individual will remain in Xero and will not be deleted.
  • The synchronization process is unable to delete any included persons that you have manually added to Xero.
  • If the email address associated with a contact in Autotask changes, the synchronization process will not update the existing email. Instead, it will create a new contact entry in Xero for the updated email address.
  • The email address serves as the primary identifier; therefore, any updates made to the first or last name will be synchronized and reflected in Xero.