Using Autotask Line of Business with Cloud Depot

Line of business (LOB) can be used to logically separate invoices and purchase orders based the attached LOB to the ticket or contract for the purpose of running multiple Xero divisions from one Autotask instance.

Our recommend method for running multiple accounts is using a UDF on the customer account. This setup should only be used if that method is not suitable. 

Support with setting up LOB in your Autotask instance is outside the scope of our support.


This setup is suitable if your organization has multiple divisions; and those divisions each invoice the same customer independently for services, segregated by line of business into a separate Xero account.

Each LOB division requires a active Cloud Depot account to process that divisions invoices. 

How does it work?

Services that are charged to a customer are logically split into different invoices based on the LOB. At sync time our tool is able to recognise that LOB and send the invoice into a different child Xero account.

How it works in Autotask

In our example the division names are Line of Business 1 and Line of Business 2, you can have whatever name you wish as we will map them dynamically in our software for you.

Our sync tool ignores level 2 on this configuration and only looks at the Division Name to allocate the invoices into the appropriate Xero account.

Contact Example in Autotask

It’s important that the contract has the LOBs configured correctly with the purchase order option setup. 

The Purchase Order Number field can be anything in our example it’s Line of Business 1

Tickets Example

Invoicing in Autotask

If Autotask is configured correctly all invoices will split out logically as per the purchase order 
option so that the LOBs for each billing item are split into their own respective invoices as per our example below